Inspired By | El Fenn

Inspired By | El Fenn

On our most recent trip, we visited Marrakech and retreated to the impeccably designed El Fenn.
Sepi Shokouh
Summer Reading List

Elsie's Library | Summer 2020 Reading List

As a team we are a group with an extensive reading list. The Elsie Green gals love filling our extra time getting lost in the pages of a book we can't put down. On the packing table, or in the photo studio, we talk about books, movies and music all day.
Sepi Shokouh


Our friend Pallavi taught us everything we know about brunch.  a well selected group of friends, a simple menu, a good bottle of champagne and a lazy sunday afternoon are all you really need to make it memorable.
Laurie Furber
Photo Essay | Vintage Stoneware Crocks

Photo Essay | Vintage Stoneware Crocks

Stoneware Crocks ( also called confit pots or confit crocks)  are some of the most versatile vintage pieces in our collection.  We love them for utensils on the countertop in the kitchen, for branches in the entryway, or remotes on the coffee table.  
Laurie Furber
History Lesson | The Story Behind Canning Jars

History Lesson | The Story Behind Canning Jars

Vintage canning jars are a staple in our homes. The special place they hold in our hearts may be tied to the story about how we first found them.
Sepi Shokouh
City Guide | Marrakech, Morocco

City Guide | Marrakech

Marrakech is a city that engages all of your senses and leaves one wanting to ensure that no corner goes left unexplored. 
Sepi Shokouh
Our Affinity for Film

Our Affinity for Film

Today, we'd like to suggest another way to feel inspired while we continue to shelter in place. Pull out your film camera(I will be using a disposable because that is what I have) and play. Snap photo's of your family, of flowers you see on your walk, a still life in your home, anything that may inspire you. When this storm has passed, develop your film and see the silver linings and moments of beauty you were able to capture and will be able to look back on for years to come.
Sepi Shokouh
Elsie Item of The Month | Vintage Pickling Jars

Elsie Item of The Month | Vintage Pickling Jars

To bring the beauty of outdoors in we've been looking to an Elsie essential, our Vintage Pickling Jars. Once used for pickling vegetables in an Eastern European pantry, we've found that they are now the ideal vessel for adorning your home with foraged flowers and branches.
Sepi Shokouh
Book Club for One

Book Club for One

|image courtesy of could i have that |

With the confluence of California's Shelter In Place order and "Little Fires Everywhere" on Hulu, I'm reminded of how much I love to read. If you're looking for a good read to pass the time until we can all gather again in public places, here is my list of all time favorites. 

Laurie Furber
woman walking across street paris

Laurie's Digital Detox Diary

Curious to explore their relationships with technology, Kelsey, Sepi and Laurie each took one day off from all their devices. Read on for the results.  
Laurie Furber
woman with camera white overalls

Kelsey's Digital Detox Diary

Curious to explore their relationships with technology, Kelsey, Sepi and Laurie each took one day off from all their devices. Read on for the results.  
Laurie Furber
Elsie's Library | Spring 2020 Reading List

Elsie's Library | Spring 2020 Reading List

The Elsie Green gals love filling our extra time getting lost in the pages of a book we can't put down. On the packing table, or in the photo studio, we talk about books, movies and music all day
Sepi Shokouh


Welcome to the Elsie Green Podcast where our host Andie and her guests discuss design, travel, fashion, beauty and other beautiful things in life.