empty wine glasses on table

Things to Consume | Our Favourite Wines & Champagnes to Gift

We have curated a collection of our favourite bottles to give as gifts & hope that you and your loved ones enjoy them as much as we do. Cheers. 
Laurie Furber
vase of branches

Holiday Gift Edit | Friends With Beautiful Taste

We don't mean to brag, but we think our friends have beautiful taste. 
Laurie Furber
alicia lund

Alicia Lund's Gift Edit

Alicia Lund, curator of her blog of the same name, has a chic, classic style that combines all the things we love:  design, fashion, beauty, food, music.  And cute babies.

Laurie Furber
woman drinking coffee

Jessica Wright's Gift Edit

Jessica Wright, editor of Bon Traveler, spends her time between northern California and abroad, curating travel and interior guides for the design-focused reader. She gave us her top picks from our Elsie Green collection that have that je ne sais quoi she looks for when buying for someone special. 

Laurie Furber
woman wearing white jeans

Alex Yeske's Gift Edit

Alex Yeske, editor of Dreams and Jeans, art director and graphic designer, lives in Los Angeles and has worked with some of our favorite fashion brands. She has impeccable taste and a sharp curators eye for all things fashion and design.
Laurie Furber
woman wearing floral dress

Chrissy Hunter's Gift Edit

Chrissy Hunter is a Sausalito-based interior designer. Her time attending SCAD and scouring antique shops in Savannah has honed her editor's eye, so her blog Harlow James is always filled with fresh ideas and inspiration.
Laurie Furber
heather bullard

Heather Bullard's Gift Edit

Heather Bullard, editorial prop stylist, creative director, and a dear friend, has impeccable taste. She gave us her top picks from our Elsie Green collection that have that je ne sais quoi she looks for when buying for someone special.

Laurie Furber
The Perfect Hostess Gift

The Perfect Hostess Gift

As we begin to see the light at the end of the COVID tunnel, and our social lives start to normalise, there are certain gestures that we are becoming reintroduced...
Isabella Furber
street style with black pants quilted jacket

Isabella's Gift Edit

Each member of the Elsie Green team has beautiful taste, and each is an avid Elsie Green shopper.  Read on for Isabella's 2021 gift edit of her favorites past and present. 
Laurie Furber
Mother’s Day Gift Guide

Mother's Day Gift Guide

All mamans certainly deserve to be celebrated for their fierce and selfless love every day, but we're not opposed to having a special day each year where we can show our appreciation with acts of service and special gifts.
Sepi Shokouh
Harlow James | Valentine Gift Edit

Harlow James | Valentine Gift Edit

We don't mean to brag, but we think our friends have beautiful taste.  

Chrissy Hunter is a Sausalito based interior designer.  .  Her time attending SCAD and scouring antique shops in Savannah has honed her editor's eye, so her blog Harlow James is always filled with fresh ideas and inspiration.  

Laurie Furber
Chantal Lamers | Valentine Gift Edit

Chantal Lamers | Valentine Gift Edit

We don't mean to brag, but we think our friends have beautiful taste.  

Chantal Lamers is a writer and magazine editor and expert curator of home and lifestyle inspiration.  We love her chic and unique vintage style.  

Laurie Furber


Welcome to the Elsie Green Podcast where our host Andie and her guests discuss design, travel, fashion, beauty and other beautiful things in life.